I am: A wife, a mother, and pregnant
I think: Too much. I have a wild imagination
I know: I eat too many goodies and
I want: A new car and always what I can't have!
I have: The sweetest, cutest, and funniest little 2 year old in the world
I dislike: Construction and the wierdos that are working on the houses behind me!
I miss: Spending more time with Brian and more time outdoors during the summer. And who doesn't miss lower gas prices!
I fear: losing someone I love
I feel: uncomfortable and ready to be done being pregnant
I hear: Brian making himself breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the day. Poor guy. You know I'll be doing all those dishes when he comes home!
I smell: Nothing, I am a little congested with this pregnancy
I crave: Sour candy most of the time
I cry: whenever I let things build up too long and not during most sad movies.
I usually: feel guilty about something stupid
I search: for the right words to say. I usually say wrond things at the wrong times.
I regret: not printing pictures before my computer crashed and also not keeping a better journal.
I love: my husband, my two boys, my family, and my friends.
I care: about how the one's I love, feel.
I always: love a good time!
I worry: about disease and germs.
I am not: as fit as I should be.
I remember: childhood memories.
I believe: in my church.
I dance: because it's fun, but am not very good at it.
I sing: a lot. When it's not my own songs, it's 5 little ducks, twinkle twinkle, etc., to/with Hayden.
I don't always: stay on top of things. I am a procrastinator, but have done quite well this semester in school. I guess I am improving!
I argue: till I am satisfied. I don't have to win, but I have to be understood and have a compromise.
I write: lists, and in my journal every once and again.
I win: when I play games with children.
I lose: when I play games with other adults.
I wish: I had a money tree growing in my puny yard.
I listen: to music pretty loud in the car. Hayden usually tells me it's "too youd."
I don't understand: some people!
I can usually be found: shopping, blogging, or with my Haydsie Boy.
I am scared: of night and darkness still.
I need: more clothes for my growing belly and some shoes for Hayden
I forget: more than usual now that I have pregnancy brain.
I am happy: when I feel secure, loved, and when the one's I love feel the same way.
I tag: Melanie, Kacey, Jessica, Megan, and of course anyone else who wants a time filler-upper.
What Happened in June
1 year ago
What a cool tag. Do you still wnat to go to dinner? We could go etiher this Sat. or next...let me know
That is sooooo funny that you hate construction. I hear ya!!! They are just starting the house next to us and I hate it already. I'm also afraid of the dark! Sorry I didn't call you back about nursery. I have no excuse other than I forgot. So Sorry!! P.S. your blog is way cute with the new background.
Hey! I'm sorry to hear that your husband has to work so much more now. I know how you feel. I really think we need to get together and let our little boys play. Especially when Beau's out of town, Luke really needs some guy company and I need grown up company :) Hopefully I'll see you at church tomorrow and we can set something up! If not, call me-3199925!
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