Friday, May 28, 2010

The great outdoors...

Last week we were able to enjoy some time outside. It's been extremely nice to have Brian home a few nights a week. I feel "normal" again, in that sense. It's also been a breath of fresh air to have some warmer weather. Steve and Kacey had a little visitor staying with them and Hayden LOVED having a friend that "wasn't a baby" when Kacey and I hung out.
Teagan is by far the most free-spirited kid I have ever met. He walks around like he always knows what's up and it's nobody's business.

He has a huge sense of adventure!

Here Joey is trying to convince Hayden that if he climbs to the top, he will be the first 4 year old to do it and he will be amazing....the mind of a 7 year old.

Although this picture may be blurry, it shows Teags fearless personality. I don't know that there is a drop of fear in this kid. We love it!Love this boy too. He wasn't born with adventure like his Brother but he is learning it... Hayden is my boy filled with sensitivity, thoughtfulness, caution, and lots of brains.


Brett And Tiffani said...

You're kids are getting so big. They are so handsome too.