Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm alive!

So I am still alive. This blogging thing has fell by the wayside. I have SOOOOOO much to blog about and it's one of those things that I have gotten so far behind on, it feels helpless. I am still planning on blogging it all though.

For those who don't know, Brian's Dad passed away last week and his funeral was on Monday. We have had a lot of family stuff going on, not to mention anniversary, birthday, and all other sorts of stuff to keep me absolutely running wild.

I also don't have any computer time these days. Brian is now running his own marketing business and it requires him to be an absolute computer hog. I am on the other hand, exhausted and not getting much time to myself these days. I am currently being "yelled" at by a 6 month old. How is that possible by the way?

I did get my computer today so I have been trying to edit pictures until it froze and then the battery ran out. I give up. I am at my parent's house being bored stiff while Brian is working but I don't have any pictures so, dead end. Wow, anyways, I will try and update my 6 or so posts before leaving for Lake Powell next week. Whahoo, can I just say how excited I am to get OUT OF TOWN! It is aggravating to think about how long I have wanted-NEEDED, a vacation!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Hayden!

I just wanted to wish my sweet little guy a Happy Birthday!  He brings so much happiness to our little family.  I can't even imagine life without him.  He keeps us laughing and smiling all the time.  I absolutely CANNOT believe he is 3!  Time really does fly when you're having fun.  I wish I could freeze my kids at certain ages but I have to realize they need to progress just like everyone else.  I look forward to each stage they go through.  Hayden is accomplishing so many new things and he continually amazes me with things he says and does.  Happy Birthday, Birthday Boy!

We love you Hayden!