Life at the Lunds has changed a bit...
Monday night we left Teagan and Hayden with my Brother and Sister-In-Law while we went to the Jazz game. The game was awesome. We were on the 2nd row, which is about 4-5 rows from the floor. Thank you Scotts for the great tickets. Well, during half-time, we checked on the boys to see how they were doing. Hayden was of course, just fine, while Teagan was complete opposite. I had pumped all day in hopes to supply enough milk for the boy, but he was no fan of the bottle. Again, completely opposite from his brother. My brother called my mom over to rescue them. She was able to calm him down for a short time until after about 5 hours he finally drank 2 oz. of the bottle. We finally left the game with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Ever since then, severe separation anxiety has struck. I had no idea a baby this young could have this.
On Tuesday night I went to the gym and he screamed for 30 minutes straight. Even after Brian tried his infamous vacuum trick. Stinkin vacuum has a short in it!
On Wednesday while trying to shower I always put his bouncer chair in front of the shower so I can check on him every once in awhile. He would scream (tears pouring down his face) scream, until I would open the curtain, then he was fine. This continued several times until I finally got out. Whenever I would leave his sight to get something such as clothes, lotion, socks, etc, he would scream again. All day long this continued.
Last night I tried to workout at my parents with the Wii Fit and after 20 minutes of both parents trying to console him, they brought him to me. What is one to do?
On Tuesday night I went to the gym and he screamed for 30 minutes straight. Even after Brian tried his infamous vacuum trick. Stinkin vacuum has a short in it!
On Wednesday while trying to shower I always put his bouncer chair in front of the shower so I can check on him every once in awhile. He would scream (tears pouring down his face) scream, until I would open the curtain, then he was fine. This continued several times until I finally got out. Whenever I would leave his sight to get something such as clothes, lotion, socks, etc, he would scream again. All day long this continued.
Last night I tried to workout at my parents with the Wii Fit and after 20 minutes of both parents trying to console him, they brought him to me. What is one to do?
Today is the Day: (Stop reading if you hate potty training posts!)
Hayden has accomplished something pretty neat. On the other hand, I am in for a life change. I have always said that I would wait until longer after the baby was born to potty train him. I didn't want to do it before of during in hopes this would ease him into brotherhood. Well, it's been 3 months and although I wasn't quite ready, he is. It gets pretty bad when he is wanting to change his diaper himself! I have always had him go pee before he gets into the tub and that has gone on since he turned two. I thought it would be an introduction into the whole thing. It has done him some good. I could NOT for the life of me get him to do the big #2 in the toilet though. I even sat him on his toilet in front of the T.V. for awhile without success. Today he told me he wanted to "Go Poo." Wow, of course during Teagan's meal. That poor baby has learned to just deal with the sporadic random feedings. I stayed in the living room however while he did his thing. Pretty soon I hear, "Huh?" Guess he surprised himself. It has finally happened! I was so proud, yet he didn't like the cheering. Oh well. So, I am completely happy for this milestone but I HATE staying home all day. I need at least one outing a day. The other problem, I am completely terrified of germs. I hate public restrooms and anti-bacterial anything has become my new eternal companion. My baby boy is not a baby anymore. It makes me so sad. I will have to keep you posted on the progress.My cute boy and his cute little bum on the pot. Yeah, thank heavens for the flap, it saved you all from a butt shot.